Rex Chimasura
My name is Rex Chimasura. I used to live in Hatcliffe [a suburb of Harare]. I was an alcoholic and a very violent
person in beer halls. I assaulted my wife for no reason. My marriage was scandalous. I committed an attempted rape
in Hatcliffe. I was convicted in February 2018 and sentenced to an effective four years imprisonment.
Being incarcerated is not an easy life to accept, but I thank God that there was a man of God, Pastor Chiramba, who
was there for me. He encouraged me to persevere in following the gospel of Jesus Christ by attending church
services and by studying the gospel. That was a turning point in my life, when I received Jesus Christ as my personal
During my time in prison, Nehemiah Bible Institute (NBI) introduced its correspondence study course. I became
interested to know more about the Christian life. It was an amazing blessing to complete this course successfully.
I was baptized on 4 June 2019 at Chikurubi Farm Prison. I had seen the light at the end of the tunnel through doing
the NBI study course. The module titled ‘Building Your Preaching Ability” taught me to listen to the voice of the Good
Shepherd, and by reading Jeremiah 29, I understood that God had answered my prayers to be successful in this
course. I really appreciate the moral support I have received and the friendly relationships I enjoy with the prison
chaplains, the other inmates and the NBI registrar.