Mathew Gororo
I was born on 28 October 1968 in Zombe village under Chief Makoni in Rusape district. Of us six children I was the
most troublesome to my parents and the community at large, being a bully to others and stubborn with my parents.
They forced me to attend church every Sunday. At school I mostly absconded from class with friends and went to
swim in the Mucheke River. I did not pass my Ordinary Level exams because of that.
During the time I was employed in Chipinge and Harare, I used different names. To my workmates and friends I
sometimes went under the name of Tozivepi Makoni. I cheated on so many girls and it was difficult to pay rent
before the landlord demanded it. My money was for beer and girlfriends and not for supporting my family and the
God changed my life on 14 August 2010 when I was incarcerated for rape for 10 years at Chikurubi Maximum
Security Prison. I spent two years in intensive care with an arthritis condition. That was when I decided to give my life
to God. I started to proclaim the good news in 2015 at Khami Maximum Security Prison [on the outskirts of
Bulawayo]. There I decided to do Bible studies with World Bible Society and Nehemiah Bible Institute in 2019.
The module which helped me to become a good Christian was the one that teaches us how to do good by educating,
helping and healing members of my community. Unbelievers must be shown love, mercy and forgiveness for them
to become good Christians and they must know why Jesus died on the cross. God is there to use everyone regardless
of the positions they hold in the community, just as long as they are willing to follow Him.