Alice Gunda
I am the second daughter of Mr and Mrs Gunda of Rusape. I was born abled until the time I was in grade seven when I suddenly fell down and that was the time I became disabled. My life became miserable since then and I grew in bitterness. Seeing my family worried about my life was the most painful thing in my life. I received painful and negative words from people and that built low self-esteem in me. I began to think that I could not do anything in life to an extent that at times I thought of taking myself. I thank God for a turn around that happened when the Lord Jesus Christ connected me with apostle and Mrs Kasongo Of Oasis Of Grace Churches International. God used them to rebuild my confidence. They were used in showing me that even though I am in a wheelchair, but my soul is not in that position. They told me that God was calling me and at first I thought it’s them until I finally realized that truly God was calling me through many testimonies from other believers and also dreams. I now believe that I am a life changer because I have seen people being changed through myself. In the beginning of this year my father apostle Kasongo encouraged me to come to bible school and I tried to deny reasons being financial crisis, but he kept on encouraging me saying God will make a way for me. He appointed me to be the church administrator at the same time the school administrator at Sacred heart bible school which is affiliating with our mother NEHEMIAH BIBLE INSTITUTE. My prayer is that our school will continue growing and that God will open doors of finances so that our current students and I will be able to graduate. Finances are the greatest challenges in our area. I really desire to support apostle Kasongo’s vision because I always see working hard so as to help us financially to continue with our studies.
Apostle Kasongo
I thank God for his love and mercy. I was born again in 1999 in Banket. I was a member of Pentecostal Assemblies Of Zimbabwe for years and I was a leader in that church for years. I received my calling from different ways until I accepted to do the work. God shows me that he called me to plant churches as well as equipping leadership. I have a strong passion to see leaders doing the right thing in their areas of their calling. I have studied with different bible school and realized that NEHEMIAH BIBLE INSTITUTE staff is very useful for life changed and leadership development. Therefore, after graduating with Nehemiah Bible Institute I had a deep feeling that it’s high time that I should answer to this calling of equipping leadership using NBI course books. I started gathering leaders from different churches and lecture to them using my own books. The team was inspired to raise money so as to complete the whole course. We have opened a Bible school, by the name Sacred heart bible school in affiliation to NEHEMIAH BIBLE INSTITUTE. People in our area have great challenges on the issues of finances and am willing to assist them, but for now I also have no money. I recorded a 6 tracks gospel music as a way of spreading the word of God as well as raising funds to upgrade the school.
Onismas Musokota (non-prison, ZAOGA Elder)
First and foremost, I would like to thank our Lord Saviour Jesus Christ who helped me to undertake this life changing Course. Secondly I would want to thank our dear Pastor Gwanzura. He kept on encouraging and contacting me whenever he felt I was growing weary.
I undertook the NBI Leadership Course from the year 2015 and due to some work commitments, I could not finish in the scheduled period of time. But the zeal to deeply know and explore the things of God drove me to complete this wonderful and life enriching Course. From the time, I could not resist the spiritual food. I started to grow from strength to strength spiritually. As an elder in ZAOGA Forward in Faith Ministry, my understanding of God and His principles grew. The way I am nowteaching, evangelizing and executing my duties has completely changed from the time I started undertaking the
Course. The Course is laden with well researched and spirit filled staff. It is simple to understand to a spirit filled person. Personally I was imparted with knowledge of deeper understanding of the word of God and who really is God.
I lead an assembly in one of the peri-urban areas of rural Zimbabwe. I have congregants who can now relate well with the Bible teachings. Our numbers are growing especially after studying on the “Secrets of a growing church” in the book “Building Up a Church” in Module 1. I understood that I have to be a strong leader for me to have a strong church. I am now able to plan and arrange well my sermons and Services, thereby giving value to the church. The other important aspect I discovered during the Course is that the whole lecture teaches doctrine of God which is the Bible doctrine and not of Congregational or denominational doctrine. It touches all the sectors of our lives be it spiritual or material. In our Church Services, all department are now being fully involved from adults to the young children. We hope marriages and families to be stronger after the impartation from the lecture books especially the “Building a Happy Marriage” of Module 5. Last but not least, I have discovered that I have read and studied the whole Bible from Genesis to the Apocalyptic book of Revelation in an understandable way. Glory be to God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.